Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2014 Best of Show

With the proliferation of audio shows, at least here in
the US, comes the need for attendees -- consumers and press alike -- to set priorities and
decide just which shows to visit. What should those priorities be? Well, in a very real
sense, the top one should be the sound you are likely to hear, and that's just where the
system that Wavelength Audio and Vaughn Loudspeakers put together at the RMAF. For the
second straight year these two companies assembled a system of such reality and refinement
that it truly was a viable reason to come to Denver in October.

Once again, a Vaughn speaker with a DuKane Ionosphere
plasma tweeter was at the business of a full system of Wavelength electronics, with a
MacBook Pro Retina 15 with a 4-terabyte library of music, much of it in high-res format,
as the source.

Electronics were a Wavelength Crimson + Q1 DAC ($9000) or
Cosecant + Denominator DAC ($4000) connected to the MacBook with an AudioQuest Diamond USB
cable ($699/meter-and-a-half length). The preamp was the Wavelength Europa, an analog and
digital unit with network support ($7500), with amplifiers also from Wavelength: the new
limited-edition all-silver Napoleon Ag Silver ($35,000/pair) or Corona V2 VT52 Silver
($20,000/pair) monoblocks. These were connected via AudioQuest Redwood speaker cables
($8800/eight-foot pair) to the Vaughn Plasma speakers ($18,000/pair) with powered bass
section. Interconnects were AudioQuest Sky ($2900/meter pair).
There were so many features of the sound here, including
analog-like ease and flow, along with an unforced sense of über resolution that
never lent itself to overt warmth or softness. This system could get down and dirty when
the music demanded it, but in the end it was a different quality -- the immediate sense of
wonder it elicited, at least for us -- that made it special. We simply wanted to hear cut
after cut here, even in a building bursting with fine audio equipment. |