Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2014 Hot Product

First things first: while this is, as the sign indicates,
a PS Audio PerfectWave power amplifier, it's in prototype form and built on the chassis
for another product. The finished amp won't look like this (and won't have a display

What we do know for sure is this: the 250Wpc PerfectWave
is fully balanced. Its input stage features 6H23 Russian dual-triode tubes, with the
output coming from an all-MOSFET circuit. It's a class-AB design with output into class A.
When available in the first quarter of 2015, it will sell for around $7500. Industry
veteran Bascom King did all of the design work.

At the RMAF, the prototype PerfectWave drove a celebrated
vintage speaker: the Infinity IRS Beta, which its designer, Arnie Nudell, set up. |