Flexible Phono Stage from VPI
PI's Voyager ($2500) is a two-input MM/MC phono stage that was designed with the use of VPI turntables. For moving-magnet cartridges, it provides 42dB of gain, 47k ohms loading, and capacitive loading of 100pf, 200pf or 270pf. Moving coil gain is 62dB, with loading selectable among 100, 500 and 1000 ohms. Internal switching of gain and loading occurs with small-signal relays. In terms of circuit highlights, Voyager is a two-stage design. A JFET-based input stage provides the interface with the cartridge as well as the gain and drive for the passive equalization network that follows it. The second stage provides an additional 24dB of gain and active feedback for tracking the low-frequency portion of the RIAA curve. Both stages use cascoded JFETS and are servo controlled. The power supplies are unity-gain voltage-reference designs "for fast response and low noise." As for sonic performance, VPI says the Voyager
"presents a sense of purity and low-level detail resolution that is highly
musical." |
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