Show Seminars: System Setup and Recording Quality Under the Microscope
Toronto Audio Video Entertainment Show (TAVES) Rocky Mountain Audio Fest (RMAF) At TAVES, there will be a series of seminars concentrating on the impact of system infrastructure on musical performance. Using a system built around Simaudio Moon electronics and the KEF Blade speakers, Roy will show just how big a difference racks, cables and placement can make to the same set of equipment. As well as giving you a chance to hear the Blades, these seminars will act as a trailer for a series of upcoming reviews on the Stillpoints and Leading Edge racks -- amongst others. Thats all part of a much bigger picture: an examination of Foundation Theory, the role played by these infrastructure elements (AC and signal cables, grounding and equipment supports) in realizing your systems musical potential. While the demonstration will be built around the products listed, the conclusions are general and apply to all systems. At the RMAF, the setup is slightly different. Here, one room and system are being shared between The Audio Beat, Stereophile and Hi-Fi+, with each title presenting on different topics. John Atkinson of Stereophile will demonstrate some of the techniques employed to make recordings sound more natural, raising the question, "Just how absolute is recorded sound?" Alan Sircom, editor of Hi-Fi+, will be demonstrating the impact of mastering and, in particular, compression on recorded quality. TAB will be mounting two presentations in Denver: the first will mirror the TAVES seminars, but with a system built around Lindemann electronics and Wilson Audio Duette loudspeakers, while the second will examine the question, "Which is better, an original recording or audiophile reissue?" With a range of different pressings and repressings of the same recording, Roy and TAB writer Dennis Davis will look at and demonstrate some of the factors that impact the quality of vinyl replay -- and some of the steps necessary to really optimize it. If that isnt enough to whet your appetite, gaps in the seminar program will be filled with "Firstgroove" listening sessions that give the chance to sit and listen to not just great music, but test pressings of soon-to-be-released audiophile issues. These seminars are jointly sponsored by the show
organizers and Nordost, with all but the listening sessions being ticketed. Seating is
strictly limited, with tickets only available on the day at the show reception area. They
are sure to be popular, so make sure to reserve your seat early. |
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