Mid-Priced No More: Raysonic Introduces the Reference 2
by The Audio Beat |
April 16, 2011
aysonic Audio is headquartered
in Canada, where its products are designed, but assembly happens in China, which has
helped ensure reasonable cost across its ample line of CD players, integrated amps,
preamps and power amps. Indeed, the company had focused on the pricing middle-ground, but
with its new Reference 2 preamp ($11,500) it takes aim at high-end audio's upper crust in
terms of cost and performance. The Reference 2 is a fully balanced, all-tube, class-A
preamp whose audio circuitry and power supply are physically separated. Like other
Raysonic products, the Reference 2 boasts of superior parts, including Mundorf caps,
Kimber internal wiring, and a DACT volume control. The signal path is said to be
"ultra short," with the source selector engaging relays near each input. The
tube complement features matched quads of premium Russian 12AX7s and 12AU7s with gold
pins, along with pairs of Russian 12BH7s and EF86es. A soft-start circuit extends tube
life. The unit's power supply has high energy storage, separate isolated supplies for each
stage, and dual-choke filtering. The power transformers are damped and shielded from EMI
and RFI.
There are three sets of single-ended RCA inputs and one
set of balanced XLR inputs, along with dual pairs of RCA outputs and a single set of XLRs.
Gain is 20dB. As with other Raysonic products, the Reference 2's chassis is machined
entirely from heavy-grade aluminum. |