All-In-One Digital Player/Server
In its stock form, the Dolce Musica combines a CD drive, a 250GB solid-state drive, an internal digital-to-analog converter, a WiFi adapter, and an analog-output section in a single unit with remote control. It can play digital data from CD resolution all the way to 24 bits and 192kHz sampling frequency, and it is compatible with all popular digital formats, including AIFF, WAV, FLAC and ALAC. It automatically rip CDs to FLAC format, and it automatically makes compressed versions of FLAC files that are usable for iPod listening. It produces low heat and therefore doesn't require a cooling fan, and it comes with all necessary software drivers. Options include a CD/DVD/Blu-ray drive, an extra 250GB
solid-state drive, and USB and FireWire cards. |
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