Monster Monoblock: The MC1.25KW
eighing in at 158 pounds and producing 1200 watts of power, the new MC1.25KW ($25,000 per pair) is McIntosh's most powerful mono amplifier, delivering its output into 2-, 4- or 8-ohm loads via McIntosh's Autoformer technology. The MC1.25KW features a 50% increase in filter capacitance over the model it replaces, and it uses advanced high-current output transistors that eliminate thermal equilibrium lag time. An updated power transformer, heavier-gauge internal wiring, upgraded circuit components, and the addition of McIntosh's eco-friendly power-management system, which will turn the amp off after a set amount of time when no signal has been detected, are also employed. Both balanced and unbalanced inputs are included, along with the same line-level outputs, which make biamping or triamping easier; the outputs can also be used to send the signal to a secondary system if a preamp does not have enough of its own outputs or to connect a powered subwoofer. The physically imposing yet elegant-looking MC1.25KW features a large (11"), fast-responding blue meter that accurately shows the amps power output. McIntosh's signature black glass front panel with control knobs, illuminated logo, and aluminum end caps with handles also adds to the amp's handsome looks. The front panel and meter have new direct LED backlighting. The amp's Autoformer and power transformer are located just behind the front panel, but they are now contained in new glass-topped enclosures. Toward the rear of the MC1.25KW are the McIntosh
Monogrammed Heatsinks made from high-quality materials with superb thermal-conductivity
properties. Everything sits atop a polished stainless-steel chassis that rests on four
redesigned feet. The amp's AC receptacle has been repositioned to provide additional
clearance for a wider assortment of power cords. |
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