Physical Media is Alive and Well:
Compare Multiple Formats During High End 2022
by The Audio Beat
| May 11, 2022
n what is becoming a fixture, Roy
Gregory and Dennis Davis will once again use CH Precision's system at the High End show in
Munich to conduct interactive listening sessions. They will be setting out to demonstrate
the continued relevance of disc-based replay, both digital and analog, with direct
comparisons involving new formats and new technologies, including SHM CD, SACD, UHQCD, MQA
CD, and One Step vinyl pressings. There will be a few surprises along the way, including
playing some original pressings and plenty of recordings you already know (or think you
know). There will be two presentations, one on each of the show's public days. If disc
replay still matters to you -- or you think it's all old hat -- make sure you get to
Atrium 4.1, F118, at 5:00pm on Saturday May 21st, or 2:00pm on Sunday May 22nd.
CH Precision will also be hosting presentations by Jim
Anderson and Ulrike Schwarz of Anderson Audio, the team responsible for producing and
mastering Clique!, the latest album from Patricia Barber on Impex Records. They
will be discussing the challenges of recording for multiple stereo and surround formats,
and they will be demonstrating tracks from the album on MQA CD, SACD and possibly acetates
of the forthcoming vinyl release. Sessions will be held at 12:00 noon and 3:00pm on
Saturday and 12:00 noon on Sunday. |