THE Show Newport Beach 2014
Best of Show

As usual, the EAR room sounded splendid, as well it
should with the remarkable $85,000/pair Marten Coltrane Tenor speakers, which pack a lot
of great sound into a relatively small package. Source components included the $28,000 EAR
Discmaster turntable sporting a Helius Omega Silver Ruby 10" tonearm -- actually two
of them ($5225 each) with Dynavector XV-1s stereo ($5450) and mono ($5950) cartridges.
Digital was supplied by the EAR Acute 4/DACute 4 CD/SACD player ($13,000). The 100-watt
EAR 509 monoblocks ($15,700 each) supplied the power, with an EAR 912 preamplifier
($13,000) in front. Everything was tied together by Jorma Design interconnects and speaker
cables, and Waveform Fidelity power cords.

Dan Meinwald of EAR and Wes Bender did their usual
impeccable setup, and the system sang sweetly on a test pressing of a new Groove Note LP
-- Vanessa Fernandez's Use Me -- carried around the show by Ying Tan from the
label. Dan can always be counted on to have a newly discovered jazz LP on hand, and he did
not fail in that department, playing Don Ellis's Essence on Pacific Jazz. He also
queued up a private recording of Prince that had a serious groove on.
Again as usual, the EAR room provided an oasis of great
sound in the cacophony of noises that greet attendees traveling from room to room at any
audio show. |