THE Show Newport 2013 Best of Show

It's a rare occurrence when a source
component draws most of the attention at an audio show, but that was the case with the
Basis Audio Work of Art, which had previously never been played at a show in the US. This
gleaming, massive turntable ($179,000) comes as a package with vacuum hold-down, Basis
Audio's Synchro-Wave power supply and Superarm 9 tonearm, and a dedicated matching stand
-- just add cartridge, a Lyra Atlas ($9800) in this case. Each Work of Art requires 300
hours of labor, "not including machining," A.J. Conti of Basis Audio is
quick to point out.

Harmonic Resolution Systems Signature SX-R
racks held a showroom worth of Audio Research's best electronics: Reference 10 preamp (top
right, $29,995) and Reference 10 Phono phono stage (middle right, $29,995), each with
separate power supply (bottom shelves), and Reference DAC (middle left, $15,995) with
MacBook as source, although thumb-drive playback was also possible.

We've heard Audio Research monoblocks --
even the same models, the Reference 250s ($25,990/pair) -- driving Vandersteen Model 7
speakers, but the combination has never sounded so alive and dynamically complete,
including early in the show. Dave Gordon of Audio Research explained that the Reference
250s had to be retubed, so on day one the tubes were brand new. By day three, they had
more time on them, transforming the system. The Model 7s also had upgraded crossovers,
bringing their price to $50,000/pair and perhaps aiding in the sense of vastness and
pinpoint imaging this system displayed. Cables were all AudioQuest WEL Signature.
Los Angeles-area dealer Optimal Enchantment
was responsible for the system and the fine music played, a steady diet of Blue Note jazz
on original and 45rpm LP. |