THE Show Newport 2012 Best of Show

Dealer Audio Image set up a system so
ambitious and involved that we were surprised they weren't local to Southern California,
located instead to the north in Oakland. Scaena Spiritus 3.6 line-source speakers along
with a Trifecta subwoofer system ($130,000) were front and center. VAC Statement 450
monoblocks ($78,000/pair) and Signature Mk2a preamp ($19,500) were the main electronics,
with an Audio Research Reference Phono 2 used for analog playback via the again-impressive
Kronos turntable ($28,000) fitted with a 12" Graham Phantom II Supreme tonearm
($6000) and Clearaudio Goldfinger Statement cartridge ($15,000). Digital, which we didn't
hear, was courtesy of an Audio Research Reference CD8 CD player ($9995) or a combination
of AMR DP-777 DAC ($5000) and Bryston BDP-1 music-file player ($2200). MIT MA-X and MA-X2
cables totaling over $100,000 were also in use, as was an Audience Adept Response aR-12
TSS power conditioner ($10,000).
We're used to hearing Scaena speakers at
CES, where they are often set up in one of the two-tiered rooms of the Venetian, the
line-source towers in front of the sub arrays and a few feet higher. The rooms in Newport
were a bit more permitting of such a speaker system and the ways it taxes a room, but the
results were similarly effective to those at CES: a deep, wide soundscape coupled with
mammoth bandwidth and dynamic capabilities. Sunny Umrao of Scaena calls the Trifecta a
"harmonic-reinforcement system," presumably because of the way it conveys the
ambience that subwoofers can.

The highlight of our all-analog listening
here was from "a $5 album," as Louis Desjardins, the designer of the
dual-platter Kronos turntable, announced. It was an extroverted Aretha Franklin cut,
replete with a scorching string section -- an oxymoron, we admit. More than any
other piece of music we heard in Newport, we'll remember this one. |