for Sasha W/P Series 2
26, 2014
you for your great online magazine.
have a question. I can see you will come out with a new review of the Wilson Sasha 2, and
I will get them in a few days. Do you think I will get a better synergy with VTL MB-450
III or Lamm M1.2 amplifiers?
actually picked two amps that are especially good mates for the Sasha W/P 2, and I think
you would achieve fine results with either of them. Both can handle the load and have
ample power as well.
As for synergy with the speakers, both amps definitely have it -- Wilson shows so
often with VTL and Lamm for a reason. Both amps sound broadly similar, so your choice will
really come down to your preferences. I think the Lamm amps have weightier bass, while the
VTL amps (depending on the tubes you use) have a bit more midrange presence and treble
is one of those instances where an audition is absolutely necessary, given the cost of
these amps. I honestly don't think you'll go wrong with either of them, but I'm sure
you'll discover that one is more right for you than the other. -Marc Mickelson

for Sound Labs?
18, 2014
I have read your great review of the Atma-Sphere MA-2 Mk 3.1 amps, and I
was curious if they have held up against any tube newcomers that have more than 100 watts.
Do you still have and use them? I have been looking at a pair of Sound Lab electrostats,
and an amplifier like the Lamm ML3 just cannot power them correctly.
don't have the Atma-Sphere MA-2 Mk 3.1 amps here any longer. They went back to Atma-Sphere
a while ago. If you are considering (or own) Sound Lab electrostatic speakers, Atma-Sphere
amps (and high-power OTLs in general) are an especially good mate for them -- "a
match made in heaven," according to Ralph Karsten of Atma-Sphere. The amps produce
the same power throughout the speaker's entire range, because there aren't the big
impedance peaks and valleys of dynamic speakers. As you discovered, the Lamm ML3s, which
are very good lower-power amps that can drive a wide range of speakers, are not suitable.
They simply don't have enough power for the Sound Labs.
for other amps, I love the VTL Siegfried IIs, and they would have no trouble driving Sound
Labs, even in triode mode. VTL's MB-450 III and Audio Research's Reference 250, both monoblocks, would be
good choices too. -Marc Mickelson

with DEQX
10, 2014
corresponded a little while back about the DEQX. As you may know, the DEQX is a
multifunctional device that effects time-domain corrections and also does room EQ. Rather
than bore you with the details, I suggest you look at the DEQX website, which will provide
a more robust and accurate description of the unit's considerable functionalities.
auditioned the DEQX PreMate for two weeks, courtesy of the DEQX national sales rep., and
wound up buying the device. Some have described the DEQX as making a transformational
sound improvement. In my opinion, thats a bit of an overstatement. But I
wouldnt have put down the cash if I didnt think the DEQX PreMate effected
significant improvements. Just off the top of my head, imagining, soundstaging and sonic
coherence are significantly improved. Theres an improved sense of realism. Maybe
another way to describe the presentation is that it is more logical.
suggest that TAB review the DEQX for the benefit of its readership. I do not
think its snake oil, and in my opinion the DEQX squeezed every bit of juice out of
my Paradigm Signature S8 v3 speakers. Part of the fix involved moving stuff around in my
basement/sound room to achieve the hoped-for improvements. In addition, the DEQXpert tech
setup guy cut off my S8s at 120Hz and let my powered subwoofer do the lifting below 120Hz.
Of course, the setup involved a lot of EQ smoothing and time alignment between the sub and
the S8s to achieve the final result. The DEQXpert tech setup guy spent over three hours
making the various adjustments. This was all done remotely via Skype and remote
"micing" via the internet.
would say that the DEQX is a DIY device. In my opinion, if youre in for a penny,
youre in for a pound. One should pay for the DEQXpert to set it up. The DEQXpert
made a number of adjustments based on his considerable anecdotal experience. And no, my
speakers are not perfectly time aligned, nor is the frequency response at my listening
position ruler flat. As the DEQXpert said, "It would have been a fools
errand" to twist the signal or the S8s drivers to achieve that result. But he
did manage to "tame" the sound to the point that I can discern a real
I resist using words like transformational or game-changer. But I think
this is a very important and real way to extract the most out of ones stereo system.
I reiterate my suggestion that TAB review this device.

2, 2014
couldn't remember if you have ever reviewed a Rockport speaker before. They seem to have
an heroic cabinet design with impeccable finish like the Wilsons. It would be nice to read
a review, your take of Rockport.
heard Rockport speakers extensively at shows, where they've always sounded very good (at
least). I agree that Andy Payor puts a lot of thought and work into his cabinets, and they
are, as you say, "heroic," seeking to maximize the sound of the speaker
components and minimize the influence of the cabinet. I've not reviewed a Rockport
speaker, but it's on my reviewing bucket list to be sure. -Marc Mickelson