28, 2016
I was shocked
and saddened to hear of Wes Phillips's recent passing. I just read your
beautiful tribute to him at The Audio Beat. May he rest in peace and live
forever in our hearts.
Charles Hansen
Ayre Acoustics, Inc.

22, 2016
was wondering if Wilson Sabrinas are too small for my 14.92 x 21.48 x 8.63'
audio room. After reading your article on them, I'm more comfortable from the photo.
Your room seems bigger than mine. Please let me have your advice -- if I should go Sasha,
or Sabrina.
This is an eternal question -- which speaker is best for my room? The interaction
between the speaker and room can make or break the sonic outcome. Both the Sasha W/P 2 and
Sabrina sounded great in my room, which is large: 20'W x 29'L x 10'H. Wilson Audio's
careful setup regimen ensures very good results in different rooms, so I am sure you'd
hear either speaker at its best in your room, which is quite large. So your choice here
comes down to pure performance versus price. Do you want the extra bass grunt and dynamic
prowess that come with the Sasha 2 or does the Sabrina fit better into your budget? I
suppose this is another eternal question, and it's one that only you can answer.
don't think there's a bad choice for you between these two speakers; I lived very happily
with both of them. -Marc Mickelson

phono stage or . . . ?
16, 2016
interested in adding a new phono stage to my system. My cartridge is an Ikeda Kai on Ikeda
12" tonearm. My preamp is from Vitus Audio. I've read your review on the Gryphon Legato Legacy. I have a few
options, like the new Einstein, Pass Labs XP-25 and ASR. I'd like to know if the Gryphon
has a higher level of sound than these others.
don't have any firsthand experience with Einstein, Pass Labs and ASR phono stages, but I
can say that the Gryphon Legato Legacy makes a very strong case for itself, given its
resolution, tonal honesty and great bass. I do wonder, however, if a Vitus Audio phono
stage might be your best option. Given your Vitus Audio preamp, one of the company's phono
stages -- there are three different models -- would extend the sound you already have and
presumably like. You would also know that the two would work together electrically,
although that's little concern between a preamp and phono stage nowadays -- the gain your
cartridge requires is a greater concern. There are Vitus Audio models above (Signature
SP-102, $38,400, and Masterpiece MP-P201, $54,000) and below (Reference RP-101, $11,400)
the cost of the Gryphon Legato Legacy. All have XLR and RCA inputs, while the Legato
Legacy has only LEMO input, so you would need to reterminate your phono cable. -Marc

M2 amps "a few years later"
8, 3016
enjoyed your review of the B.M.C. M2 amps. There is a pair for sale now at
around half price. A few years later, would you share your opinions? They are very
utilitarian-looking in a good way. I have a Muse Two Hundred integrated amp that has a
similar look.
review of the B.M.C. M2 monoblocks -- and indeed, the entire B.M.C. electronics suite --
from late 2013 still provides my best description of the amps' sound. I will reiterate
that I found them to sound much better when used with the B.M.C. DAC1 PRE (HR) preamp/DAC
than with any of the preamps I had on hand. The DAC1 PRE (HR) and M2s take advantage of
two of Carlos Candeias's circuit innovations: Current Injection and Discrete Intelligent
Gain Management. What that would mean for you is that if you ended up with the M2s, you
could use them now with your existing preamp, but if you wanted to hear their fullest
sonic expression, you could add a DAC1 PRE (HR) later on, in which case you'll also get a
full DAC in the bargain. And if you still spin digital discs as well as play LPs, B.M.C.'s
BDCD1.1 CD player/transport and MCCI phono stage were designed to be used with the other
electronics. The specifics are outlined in my review. More than any other electronics I've
reviewed, those from B.M.C. were really designed to be used together, and there are
persuasive technical and sonic reasons to do so. -Marc Mickelson

2, 2016
clean vinyl records, I picked up a bottle of Last cleaning solution.
a microfiber cloth okay to dry off the record? Its basically a CD cleaning cloth. Is
there any cloth that may be better for the record? Any thoughts on this?
have used Last products in the past, and I think they work pretty well -- better than
Discwasher for sure. The cleaner isn't the equal of a vacuum or ultrasonic record cleaner,
but it does reduce surface noise.
for drying, a microfiber cloth makes sense, because it can in a small way get into the
record groove. I use one for drying when I clean records with one of my cleaning machines.
You have to be sure, however, that all fluid is removed. Microfiber cloths are not as
absorbent as cotton, but they also don't shed as much, leaving debris on the record. Just
be sure that you get the fluid off the record. If it dries, it can leave residue and
actually make the record more noisy than it was. -Marc Mickelson
28, 2016
I was shocked
and saddened to hear of Wes Phillips's recent passing. I just read your
beautiful tribute to him at The Audio Beat. May he rest in peace and live
forever in our hearts.
Charles Hansen
Ayre Acoustics, Inc.

22, 2016
was wondering if Wilson Sabrinas are too small for my 14.92 x 21.48 x 8.63'
audio room. After reading your article on them, I'm more comfortable from the photo.
Your room seems bigger than mine. Please let me have your advice -- if I should go Sasha,
or Sabrina.
This is an eternal question -- which speaker is best for my room? The interaction
between the speaker and room can make or break the sonic outcome. Both the Sasha W/P 2 and
Sabrina sounded great in my room, which is large: 20'W x 29'L x 10'H. Wilson Audio's
careful setup regimen ensures very good results in different rooms, so I am sure you'd
hear either speaker at its best in your room, which is quite large. So your choice here
comes down to pure performance versus price. Do you want the extra bass grunt and dynamic
prowess that come with the Sasha 2 or does the Sabrina fit better into your budget? I
suppose this is another eternal question, and it's one that only you can answer.
don't think there's a bad choice for you between these two speakers; I lived very happily
with both of them. -Marc Mickelson

phono stage or . . . ?
16, 2016
interested in adding a new phono stage to my system. My cartridge is an Ikeda Kai on Ikeda
12" tonearm. My preamp is from Vitus Audio. I've read your review on the Gryphon Legato Legacy. I have a few
options, like the new Einstein, Pass Labs XP-25 and ASR. I'd like to know if the Gryphon
has a higher level of sound than these others.
don't have any firsthand experience with Einstein, Pass Labs and ASR phono stages, but I
can say that the Gryphon Legato Legacy makes a very strong case for itself, given its
resolution, tonal honesty and great bass. I do wonder, however, if a Vitus Audio phono
stage might be your best option. Given your Vitus Audio preamp, one of the company's phono
stages -- there are three different models -- would extend the sound you already have and
presumably like. You would also know that the two would work together electrically,
although that's little concern between a preamp and phono stage nowadays -- the gain your
cartridge requires is a greater concern. There are Vitus Audio models above (Signature
SP-102, $38,400, and Masterpiece MP-P201, $54,000) and below (Reference RP-101, $11,400)
the cost of the Gryphon Legato Legacy. All have XLR and RCA inputs, while the Legato
Legacy has only LEMO input, so you would need to reterminate your phono cable. -Marc

M2 amps "a few years later"
8, 3016
enjoyed your review of the B.M.C. M2 amps. There is a pair for sale now at
around half price. A few years later, would you share your opinions? They are very
utilitarian-looking in a good way. I have a Muse Two Hundred integrated amp that has a
similar look.
review of the B.M.C. M2 monoblocks -- and indeed, the entire B.M.C. electronics suite --
from late 2013 still provides my best description of the amps' sound. I will reiterate
that I found them to sound much better when used with the B.M.C. DAC1 PRE (HR) preamp/DAC
than with any of the preamps I had on hand. The DAC1 PRE (HR) and M2s take advantage of
two of Carlos Candeias's circuit innovations: Current Injection and Discrete Intelligent
Gain Management. What that would mean for you is that if you ended up with the M2s, you
could use them now with your existing preamp, but if you wanted to hear their fullest
sonic expression, you could add a DAC1 PRE (HR) later on, in which case you'll also get a
full DAC in the bargain. And if you still spin digital discs as well as play LPs, B.M.C.'s
BDCD1.1 CD player/transport and MCCI phono stage were designed to be used with the other
electronics. The specifics are outlined in my review. More than any other electronics I've
reviewed, those from B.M.C. were really designed to be used together, and there are
persuasive technical and sonic reasons to do so. -Marc Mickelson

2, 2016
clean vinyl records, I picked up a bottle of Last cleaning solution.
a microfiber cloth okay to dry off the record? Its basically a CD cleaning cloth. Is
there any cloth that may be better for the record? Any thoughts on this?
have used Last products in the past, and I think they work pretty well -- better than
Discwasher for sure. The cleaner isn't the equal of a vacuum or ultrasonic record cleaner,
but it does reduce surface noise.
for drying, a microfiber cloth makes sense, because it can in a small way get into the
record groove. I use one for drying when I clean records with one of my cleaning machines.
You have to be sure, however, that all fluid is removed. Microfiber cloths are not as
absorbent as cotton, but they also don't shed as much, leaving debris on the record. Just
be sure that you get the fluid off the record. If it dries, it can leave residue and
actually make the record more noisy than it was. -Marc Mickelson