final turntable"
22, 2019
really enjoy reading TAB and appreciate all the useful information you present.
am in the market for a final turntable. I have narrowed the choices down to:
with Fatboy tonearm
Technics SL-1000r with stock tonearm
SME 20/3 with Thales Simplicity II tonearm
current system is:
Scoutmaster (very heavily modified and optimized -- fantastic sound); Transfiguration
Proteus, Soundsmith Paua, Kiseki Purpleheart, Soundsmith Zephyr Mk II; Soundsmith Hyperion
will go on the new table
Musical Fidelity NiVista Vinyl and Herron VTPH2A phono stages
Musical Fidelity NuVista 800 amp
Musical Fidelity NuVista CD
Wilson Audio Sasha W/P speakers
Transparent Audio Power Isolator Reference
Transparent Audio Reference speaker cables, interconnects, power cords (and their very
best XL PC on the amp)
VPI ADS and SDS motor controllers
EdenSound Terrastone platforms and footers for all components
Stillpoints Aperture acoustic panels
Synergistic Research HFT acoustic treatments
20-amp dedicated circuit with isolated separate ground using six copper ground rods
CAD-welded with #2 copper wire (ground being put in next week)
love the sound of this system. I just cant stop listening to it. The Scoutmaster
belonged to my late father, so I will keep it and put it into my second system.
would love to hear your opinions of the above-mentioned turntables.
we audio reviewers can't hear every piece of equipment made, and in the case of the
turntables you mention, two are rather new, which cuts down on the chances of hearing
them. Roy Gregory is familiar with the VPI Classic Direct; I've heard the Technics, but only during the CES. I
do note that two of your choices (VPI and Technics) are direct-drive models, so I'll take
this opportunity to recommend another that we at TAB are very familiar with: the
Grand Prix Monaco. Roy has reviewed more than one version of this advanced direct-drive,
and I've heard the 1.2 version in my system. This is an extraordinary turntable -- like
hearing no turntable at all. It has perhaps the most advanced speed-adjustment system
extant, and its spare physical design, which has sonic significance, makes its placement
and use a breeze. I honestly would love to own one, so truly invisible to the LPs it spins
is it. Perhaps you have a need for mass-loaded design, but if not, the Monaco 2.0 is worth
investigating and hearing, if you can. -Marc Mickelson

cable part of a "loom"?
12, 2019
regard to keeping cables in the same family, I have done so with interconnects and speaker
cables. They're all Kimber. How significant is the digital cable from CD player to DAC
regarding brand matching?
you are right to keep interconnects and speaker cables within the same brand and family,
the digital cable represents a special case in my opinion, given that it doesn't pass an
analog signal, as interconnects and speaker cables do, and it should conform at the very
least to the specifications for digital transmission: either 75 or 110 ohms. There have
been many specialty digital cables that audiophiles have valued on their own: the Have
Canare and Orchid AES/EBU cable are two; I've been a fan of AT&T glass connection,
which is no longer used in digital products to any wide degree, and those cables are about
as unlike interconnects and speaker cables as can be. So, to answer your question, choose
the digital cable that sounds best to you, regardless of manufacturer and in the price
range you can afford. If this is one from Kimber, all the better. -Marc Mickelson

Allnic or Audio Research?
7, 2019
am in search of a preamplifier. The preamplifiers on my list are the Convergent Audio
Technology SL-1 Renaissance Black Path Edition, the Audio Research Reference 6 and the Allnic Audio L-7000. All of them are
in the same price range -- about $15,000. I love a huge soundstage, along with a
three-dimensional and holographic sound. As you have experience with all of these preamps
except the Allnic L-7000 (but you have heard the Allnic L-3000), which of three will suit me?
You are correct in pointing out that I've not heard the Allnic L-7000. I have
also not heard the latest CAT Black Path preamps, but I understand that the new capacitors
made a big sonic difference.
I don't think you'll go wrong with any of these preamps, given your healthy
budget, but one of them will be more right than the others. For your choice, you also need
to consider whether you need a preamp with balanced inputs and outputs, and remote
control. The CAT is single-ended, non-remote-controlled only. Given your sonic criteria,
any of these three will meet your expectations, although the Audio Research Reference 6
might maximize what you're seeking. I personally would take the CAT if I could live with
its functional limitations, or the Allnic if the brand's requisite holography was most
important to me. I would also add the VTL
TL-6.5 II to the mix, as I use a TL-7.5 II in my system.
sorry I can't give you a definitive answer here, but the variables are great, as is your
budget, so making a prediction is tricky. -Marc Mickelson

me on your e-mail list
1, 2019
put me on your e-mail list.
added you to the list. To join TAB's reader list and find out about new articles
first, send e-mail to rl@theaudiobeat.com.
-Marc Mickelson