Hong Kong Audio Visual Show 2012

The VPI HW16.5 has been the benchmark record cleaner
since its introduction. Often imitated, never bettered, its combination of simplicity and
speed of operation make it the record-cleaning solution you actually do use. It
is so quick and straightforward that cleaning each record before play is a genuine
possibility, and it is in this usability that its secret (and popularity) resides -- that
and the affordable asking price. Each competitor that comes -- and generally goes -- adds
cost or complexity to the mix, undermining the magic formula.
So, given a burning desire to supply cleaning machines to
the emerging Chinese market, whats an aspiring manufacturer to do? Ive seen
products that ape their inspiration, products that take that inspiration a step too far,
but Ive seldom seen anything quite as blatant as this. Imagine a '16.5, identical in
terms of operation, control layout and functionality, but built into a swanky acrylic box,
rather than the originals MDF. Of course, I have no idea how it works or whats
inside -- and one of the VPIs most appealing features is its reliability, not
exactly a given when it comes to machines that mix water and electricity -- but this
Chinese-built device is well into "clone" territory. The price? That figure
converts as approximately $410 US for this undeniably pretty machine (although I have no
idea whether thats a show special) -- but, as I said, what value do you place on
safety and reliability? |