Hong Kong Audio Visual Show 2012

When it comes to audio, you really dont need a
weather vein to know which way the wind is blowing. The astonishing popularity of the
CanJam events, especially the one at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest, should be a pretty
clear pointer, and if the penny still hasnt dropped, just count the headphone stands
at the Hong Kong Show.

In fact, anyway you cut it (number of stands, area
occupied by those stands, number of companies represented on those stands, variety of
merchandise, from high-end 'phones to amps, cables and storage solutions, represented by
those stands) headphones are probably the single biggest growth area in audio, with every
company under the sun seemingly trying to jump on the band wagon -- including some that
should definitely know better.

The main hall area in Hong Kong played host to everything
from major players like Sennheiser, Shure and Audio-Technica, down to specialist booths
selling everything from exotic amplifiers to augment main systems through to portable
alternatives and cable upgrades. Where a headphone used to be a headphone used to be a
headphone, it has suddenly blossomed into its own market sector, and just about anybody
has some sort of technology or expertise that might apply. What is clear is that the huge
strides made in recent years have only chipped away at the potential, and while were
sure to see plenty of wrong turns or dead ends along the way, the sheer level of market
interest is driving this thing so hard and fast that the existing major players cant
keep the lid on it. In fact, some of them are having trouble just keeping up, as a whole
new generation of market leaders emerges. |