Hong Kong Audio Visual Show 2012

Avantgarde Acoustic is best known for their strikingly
ambitious hybrid spherical horn loudspeakers, but the company has long been dabbling in
electronics. Whilst the 100+dB sensitivity of Avantgarde speakers might lead you to expect
some 3-watt wonder, the company's latest offerings are both elegant and versatile -- in
application if not operation. In a world where line stages in particular seem to carry
ever more facilities and functionality, Avantgarde's XA amplifiers fly firmly in the face
of fashion.
Built into the same heavy, nonresonant, cast clamshell
chassis, both the line stage and the power amp are as impressive on the inside as they are
striking on the outside. The companys war on structural resonance might be obvious
just from picking up the units, but their pursuit of electrical purity deserves closer
investigation. The XA-Pre eliminates AC supply problems through the use of a
sophisticated, internal battery supply. In emergency the unit will run from
the mains, but the benefits of the pure DC supply are clearly apparent. All very
well for the line stage, I hear you asking, but what about the power amp?
Isnt that going to undo all the good youve just done? This is where
Avantgarde have gotten really clever. The XA-Power employs massive filtering and a DC
audio circuit that eliminates cross-zero distortion in its solid-state devices; in effect,
it delivers the benefits of class-A operation without the heat -- which is just as well,
given the 150Wpc power output. This innovative (patent-pending) approach has been applied
right through the fully balanced amplification chain, including the optically coupled,
resistor-ladder volume control and input selectors -- and talking of controls, thats
your lot: five line inputs (all XLR with no RCA option) and the large rotary volume knob
with its illuminated level indication. The remote is equally minimalist, its cylindrical
form resembling a light saber more than a piece of hi-fi, while front-panel finishes take
in the myriad options available for Avantgardes speakers. And for once -- at least
as far as a genuine tilt at the state of the art goes -- pricing seems almost reasonable
at $174,000 HK the pair (which translates to roughly $22,450 US).

The clear intention here is to achieve the cleanest
possible signal path by eliminating both conventional sources of distortion, such as
microphony and electrical artifacts from the AC line and within the circuit itself, as
well as all unnecessary elements from the amplifiers functionality.
Whether you can live with such a pared-back setup only you can decide, but the XA pairing
actually mirrors my own system configuration almost exactly -- apart from balanced
operation, that is.
The Avantgarde speakers place a heavy premium on speed of
response and dynamic coherence, and if the show system, built around a TW-Acustic Raven AC
turntable, Ortofon 2000 MC cartridge, AMR phono stage and digital front-end, and a pair of
Avantgarde Duo G2 speakers, is anything to go by, the amps respond with gusto. This system
is the embodiment of the "all about the first watt, but with plenty waiting behind
it" philosophy, and I cant wait to try these products at home. |