High End 2023 Hot Product

The Nordost room was filled with its usual
assortment of AC-line treatment devices, most of which were already announced at earlier
shows. The company did provide a sneak peak of the QBase Reference ($18,000), which is
scheduled for release in the US in the third quarter of 2023.

The QBase Reference is a ten-outlet
AC-distribution device housing five of Nordosts other products. Inside the box are
two QSine AC Enhancers and two QWave Line Harmonizers. In addition, the Reference
incorporates a QPoint Synchronizer -- Nordosts external grounding device. In normal
operation, it works off a wall-wart power supply, so here it is modified for AC operation.
If used independently, the QWaves and QSines, which plug into the sockets on your
distribution unit, would consume a sizable percentage of your available outlets, making it
impossible in many systems to pack as many devices as desired into your distribution hub
without running out of outlets.

The QBase Reference also allows you to
switch QSines and QWaves in and out of the system via a remote control, and Nordost
demonstrated the effect, which always went in favor of leaving everything in circuit. The
differences were not subtle and favored the treatments. |