High End 2012

Pierre Riffaud (below left) showed a
prototype of a new state-of-the-art contender turntable designed for Jadis. Labeled the
Uranie and bearing his Signature tonearm, the very interesting and massive package
incorporated a lot of fascinating ideas both old and new. The Signature 'arm looks like a
bejeweled VPI 'arm on steroids. It's a unipivot 12" 'arm with a VTA adjustment knob.
Like the VPI, azimuth adjustment is via side-weight turns. Also like the VPI, the 'arm
base can accommodate separate armwands. Riffaud designs these for specified cartridges, so
no overhang adjustment is needed or possible. The prototype bore a van den Hul Frog
Up to three 12" arms can be mounted,
one to each leg of the base. These legs are foam damped and spring suspended. The massive
20.5kg (45-pound) aluminum platter is spun by a low-torque synchronous motor that requires
a push to start. The clever speed adjustment is via a knob that essentially slides the
pulley up or down a canted surface on the pulley.

Riffaud claims that the finished product
will be available next year for 93,000, so start saving your spare change now. If
you run up a bit short, he is working on a scaled-back model dubbed the Thalia in the
range of one-third the Uranie's cost. |