High End 2011

One fun aspect of the Munich show is the arrival of hardware from the now-free
countries formerly shackled by Commie scum. Makers from Slovakia, the Czech Republic,
Bosnia -- they need to be taken seriously, because theyre in a better position than
now-respected Chinese manufacturers were, say, ten years ago, and look how that
nations output has matured in the high end. The Eastern Europeans had and have
access to Russian tubes, they were not as distanced from recent audio technology as
mainland China, and they have the deepest understanding of Western music, especially
classical at the highest level. Culturally, they embarrass the rest.
With that preamble, from Bulgaria come ST
Innovators Icon stereo tube preamplifier (center, 7000) and stereo tube power
amplifier (left, 100Wpc, 20,000). They possess handsome styling and excellent
fit'n'finish, contain genuine Tango transformers, use titanium and granite in their
construction, come supplied with a spare set of tubes, and provide a seven-year warranty.
Hows that for confidence? |