CES 2017 Hot Product

Siltech and Crystal Cable each showed new ultimate power
cords for those select and well-heeled customers who can afford the best power cords that
each brand can produce.
Siltechs Triple Crown cord uses seven heavy-core S8
monocrystal silver conductors with air-core insulation. The shortest length is 1.5 meters
and it costs 13,900. That length is dictated for two reasons. Siltech claims that
the 1.5-meter length sounds better than a single meter. Additionally, as a practical
matter, the longer length makes for easier bending of the ultra-stiff cord.

Crystal Cable's Ultimate Dream is composed of seven
conductors, six of which are all-monocrystal technology and the seventh inner conductor a
silver-gold core said to add low ground impedance for cleaning up ground-loop noise. Far
more flexible than the Siltech, the Ultimate Dream starts at a one-meter length costing
9500, with the 1.5-meter length costing 11,900.

Both power cords come in custom boxes
befitting their character. Siltechs box could just as easily enclose a pair of
dueling pistols . . . ,

. . . while the Crystal Cable box could
double as a very attractive handbag. |