CES & THE Show 2012 Best of Show

Sound Organisation's
all-Rega demonstration comprised a rather modest system (with the exception of the
loudspeakers), but it made a thoroughly engaging and enjoyable sound. There were two
sources: the new RP6 turntable with Exact cartridge ($1990) and the equally novel Apollo-R
CD player (below, $1095). These were paired with a Brio-R integrated amp ($895) and a
prototype of a new Rega speaker called the RS10. As this latter element is a
reference-grade product for the company, its $12,998-per-pair price skews the overall
system price, but the RS10 is designed to partner with Rega's Osiris amp and Isis CD
player. It's interesting because it places bass and midrange-bass drivers on one side of
the cabinet and leaves the lion's share of the work to a BMR (balanced mode radiator) up
front, with highs provided by a brand-new soft-dome tweeter designed in-house. Support of
the electronics was provided by a double-width Quadraspire Sunoko Vent rack, with signal
conducted by Chord Sarum cables.

This system had superb timing and a smooth, even balance
that ensured the sound never impeded the flow of the music. Put another way, it provided
the requisite bandwidth and dynamic range, but it didn't push these ahead of the musical
message. The RS10s are evidently very refined; they displayed no sense of grain or
coloration -- just a clear, open soundstage that let through an incredibly coherent
musical presentation. We'd be more than happy to have this system at home. |