CES & THE Show 2010 Sounds & Sights

Who is this man and why is he wearing a lab
coat? Jonathan Monks is the son of Keith Monks, and he's carrying on his father's fight
against dirty records.

The Keith Monks Ruby Anniversary
record-cleaning machine ($6995) operates with the tried-and-true string method, whereby a
small length of string acts as a spacer between the vacuum arm and the record, the machine
removing the cleaning fluid, along with dust and grit, by seemingly following the groove
itself. There are some interesting innovations with the Ruby Anniversary, like a raised
mat that sits under the record and the DewDrop splashguard for drying the record's edge.
The Ruby Anniversary commemorates the 40th anniversary of the first Keith Monks
record-cleaning machine.

More innovations -- self-contained fluid and
waste receptacles and the ability to get at the mechanicals if you need to service the
machine or replace a part. |