Much of What You've Wanted to Know about Mercury Living Presence
ou will be watching "Trust Your Ears: The Story of Mercury Living Presence, Part 1," the artful 8:32 video posted on YouTube, almost to the end until you learn who's behind it -- dCS. Through a mixture of still photos, archival footage and newly conducted interviews that echoes Ken Burns's best work the video succinctly presents the broad and fine strokes in the creation of the renowned Mercury Living Presence catalogue and the digitization of the recordings for the initial release on CD. There is also a companion podcast series in the works that will go into even greater detail and include musical selections from the Mercury catalogue. Speaking of greater detail, I am hoping that dCS takes
the video a step further, crafting it into a full-length documentary. What we have already
is of such richness and quality that it makes the case for more of same. |
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