THE Show Newport Beach 2016 Hot Product

True to its name, the new Denali series of power
conditioners from Shunyata Research offers mountaintop performance (our words, not theirs,
but you get the idea). They use new noise reduction technology and medical-grade filters
and includes high-current capabilities, vibration control, cryogenic treatment and a
process that reduces burn-in time. The Denali 2000T ($2995) shown above, has two outlets
and a 20-amp (continuous) rating, while . . .

. . . the Denali 6000S ($3995) has six outlets and
different amperage ratings for each of its three zones: 15, 15 and 20 amps. Both are not
just amplifier capable; using them with amplifiers is recommended, due to Shunyata's QR/BB
circuit, which is said to eliminate -- not merely reduce -- dynamic compression, improving
amplifier performance over direct connection to the wall outlet. Expect more coverage of
these new power products on TAB. |