Hong Kong Audio Visual Show 2012 When theyre not producing ersatz '3/5a loudspeakers, Audio Space is busy with a
truly astonishing range of tube amps of predominantly triode design. With well over 30
models to choose from, you wonder how dealers and distributors keep track, but amongst the
typically modern styling of most of the products, this WE-300L, 300B line stage ($28,800
HK, approximately $3700 US) certainly caught my eye. Available with a matching 6-watt,
300B stereo power amp, the WE-91B ($36,800 HK, approximately $4750 US), the '50s-style
enamel casework, ultra-traditional tube complement and more transformers than you can
shake a stick at all make for a striking visual statement. I dont have a clue how
this preamp and amp sound, but I want a set anyway! |
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