High End 2014 Hot Product Muso is the most controversial product Naim has made to date. Some might feel that the $200,000 Statement electronics announced at CES were a little off the scale for this British electronics stalwart, but Muso takes the biscuit. It breaks all the rules: Its not black, its all in one box, and it's designed to appeal to the masses. Muso is a clever piece of engineering built for the wireless age. It receives both Bluetooth and Airplay, has a USB input for iPods and USB sticks and both optical and 3.5mm analog inputs. It can even stream off a network and will work with an as-yet-unnamed premium streaming service (nothing has been said, but if its not Spotify well be surprised). Musos aluminum skin covers an MDF chassis, a long reflex port vents through the case bottom, and the control knob allows a multitude of functions. At $1000 it also has the most watts per channel of all
Naim amps, save for the Statement: six channels of 75 watts, a total of 450. Okay, they
are class-D watts, and if you used them all the tweeters on this cute unit would explode,
but they are RMS watts nonetheless. |
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