CES & THE Show 2014 Hot Product

Ayre's 20th anniversary is the new KX-R Twenty ($27,500), a reworking of the original KX-R
preamp that retains only that unit's chassis and transformer and features a new power
supply, an optimized gain stage and Ayre's Diamond output stage.

Of special interest to listeners (and time consuming for
Ayre, no doubt) were "hundreds of hours of listening tests" aimed at optimizing
the preamp's circuit and sound -- "from circuit trace length to part

Also new for Ayre's anniversary is the MX-R Twenty mono
amp, which, like the KX-R Twenty, retains only the transformer and chassis from the
original version. The price will be around $30,000 per pair.
As is the policy at Ayre, both the original KX-R and MX-R
can be upgraded to Twenty status. The cost will be the difference in price between the
original and Twenty units. |